
উলের গোলার মতো

উলের গোলার মতো

সৌম্যজিৎ আচার্য

উলের গোলার মতো খুলে যাচ্ছে দুপুর
খুলে যাচ্ছে এতকাল মুড়ে রাখা গোপন ব্যথা
একমুঠো রোদ পেলে
এ ব্যাথাও  শোয়াটার হত
ঝুলে থাকত ছাদে, বারান্দায়

ভুটানি মেয়ের রঙিন শহরে বিক্রি হত ভাল দামে…

উলের গোলার মতো খুলে যাচ্ছে গোপন ব্যথা
গড়িয়ে যাচ্ছে খাদের কিনারায়

কে না জানে, খাদ থেকে পড়ে যাওয়া ব্যথারাই
আসলে বিকেল…


সৌম্যজিৎ আচার্য

Dr. Saumyajit Acharya is Indian poet,writer, translater and scholar.He is now the Head of the department, Education, Rampurhat College,Burdwan University. He has nine books in his credits till now. His poems has been translated into English, Jharkhandi and Serbian languages. His poems has been broadcasted in FM radio stations in Bolivia, South America.


Saumyajit has participated a number of  International Literary Festivals. He is executive member of International Literary Meet, Managing Editor of Poem Vein  International and joint editor of Bahoman journal. He has been accoladed with numerous prestigious awards.His literary works get frequently published in leading magazines and newspaper across India,  Bangladesh,Belgium, Australia and America.


Some chapters have also been penned by Saumyajit as integral part of books pertaining to research works.He has invited by the Kunming University, People’s Republic of China and Tokyo University, Japan for his research papers.


This talented young writer has been awarded in 2015 at Argentina Film Festival for one of his short film scripts. Films based on his scripts were screened in other prestigious Film Festivals like International Open Film Festival (2016) and Model & Movie Film Festival (2016). Apart from that the short film “Moy Bhumi” written by him was the semi-finalist in the IOFF and accomplished official screening in FINA 2015, KSFF 2016, MNMISFF 2016, IBIFF 2017, AMC Theatres 2017.

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One thought on “উলের গোলার মতো”

  1. আ হা.!.. . গড়াতে থাকা উলের গোলার সঙ্গে সঙ্গে খুলে যাচ্ছে সযত্নে বোনা কত সোজা উল্টো ঘর..

    ভালো লাগলো 👌

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