
My Backyard Tree

My Backyard Tree

Dr. Sheeja B M

Oh with your huge arms
That adorns those tender leaves
And bright colored fruits you bear
And abode for all those beings

I played on your shade as a child
With pebbles and wooden toys
You stood in silence as testimony
For my lost childhood that’s gone

I grew up to be the young lady
Who spent her time in book and play
You stood in silence as testimony
To all my pranks of youth those days

I have my family of my own
With all the pleasures of the world
You stand testimony to our happiness
To all our visits and surprises

I know you would last much longer
If not for some builders pride
Who would want your shade and earth beneath
To stand testimony for more better day…..


Dr. Sheeja B M

I am a physician by profession and enjoy every bit of the responsibility of patient care. I live in Canada where I work as a family physician for the past 15 years. Lot of my emotional expressions come from my workplace. I am blessed to take care of the needy and sick.


I am mother to two beautiful children and has the company of a lovely husband, who is my soul mate in this journey called life. My parents and siblings are the strength behind all my endeavors.


My hobbies include painting , poetry, teaching, gardening , singing playing the guitar, taking care of my pets and traveling. I wish to spread positivity with my literary works and painting.


I have not published any of my work till today, but I do share it in social media with my friends, I used to write a blog called SMARAN.

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